Client:Dublin Port Company
Lands within and adjacent to Dublin Airport Logistics Park at Coldwinters, Co. Dublin have been acquired by Dublin Port Company (approx. 44 Hectares). The lands are currently greenfield and are intended to be developed as a logistics facility to supplement core activities at Dublin Port.
DBFL were involved in the early phases of this project and assisted with the preparation of a Preliminary Feasibility Report, the scope of which included a transportation assessment, development of an access strategy, an engineering infrastructure assessment (drainage and utilities), a preliminary flood hazard assessment and provision of input to Dublin Port Company’s cost plan.
DBFL developed various site layout options and a functional requirement specification in accordance with Dublin Port Company’s operational needs (container stacking, trailer parking, warehousing, transportation, security etc.). DBFL also provided engineering design input to an initial planning application (site entrance works, landmark container sculpture, feature entrance walls, boundary treatments and access road).
Project Director