Client: Cavan County Council
DBFL was commissioned by Cavan County Council to prepare a Local Transport Plan (LTP) for Cavan Town and its environs, in line with the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy’s objective for Ireland’s Key Towns. The LTP is being prepared in accordance with the NTA and TII’s Area Based Transport Assessment (ABTA) guidance which seeks to integrate transport and land use planning, and is comprised of five key stages: Baseline Assessment & Policy Review; Establish Context; Options Development & Assessment; Refinement & Sense-Check (using the NTA’s Regional Modelling System); Preparation of Local Transport Plan.
DBFL are currently preparing the Draft Cavan & Environs Local Transport Plan. The Draft Plan will outline recommendations and measures identified as part of the ABTA process to enable a modal shift toward sustainable mobility and reduce the dominance of the private car. Measures proposed by DBFL comprise a comprehensive active travel network including the Cavan River Greenway and filtered permeability opportunities, junction improvements, Safe Routes to School initiatives, public transport improvements, a parking management approach, and supporting measures such as bicycle parking, wayfinding, integrating green infrastructure and SuDS into transport infrastructure, etc.
The implementation of the Cavan Town & Environs LTP will support strategic national and regional policy objectives and targets, create safer and more inclusive public spaces and streets that encourage people of all ages and abilities to walk and cycle, reduce reliance on the private car, and overall improve the liveability, health, and the vibrancy of Cavan Town for residents and visitors.
Stakeholder engagement formed part of an important aspect of preparing the LTP, ensuring that local insight and suggestions were captured early in the process and informed the development and assessment of options. DBFL created an online survey using the web-based MS Forms. This allowed the survey to be disseminated to a wide and diverse group of people, capturing the views of over 400 people during an 8-week consultation period
Project Director